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Wild Game Processing


Deer Weight Calculator

Check out this calculator that will give you a much better idea of how much meat you will bring home!

Do's & Don'ts of Wild Game

Over the years we have picked up on a few things. 

Instructions for grinder ready meat

A few things you want to do prior to bringing your meat in for processing.

Stop Guessing!


Do's & Dont's of Wild Game

Remember: Treat the meat with care.

  If is dragged through debris or covered in animal hair, there will be a loss of yield. You will be eating this meat, so it is important to keep it as clean as possible. We can only do so much; the rest is reliant on the care that you give the carcass before you hand it over to us. 



  DO THIS:                         NOT THIS:

Retrieve your animal as         Leave your kill

soon as you've killed it.         overnight, without                                                gutting or caring                                                                for it.


QUICK NOTE: Animals left lying on the ground, organs intact, or the carcass body cavity not properly split and left open can cause the animal to retain its body heat and can cause the bone to sour the meat and rot overnight.


DO THIS:                            NOT THIS:

Wash out the inside         Skin your deer. The 

of the carcass and           hide helps to protect

remove all hair and          the meat from conta-

blood.                               mination and from                                                  drying out



 DO THIS:                            NOT THIS:

Leave your validated       Leave your CID tag on

carcass tag securely        the head with the

on the animal itself.          taxidermist.


 DO THIS:                          NOT THIS:

Cool your animal first,    Place your animal in an

then place in a cooler       air-tight cooler with a

with ice, prop the              bag of ice and shut

lid open so the carcass    the cooler lid.

gets air, and be sure to

leave the cooler       

spigot open for proper drainage.


QUICK NOTE: If you place a hot animal in a cooler with a bag of ice and close the lid, the body heat of the animal cannot escape and your animal could sour.

Instructions for grinder ready meat. 

Bring the cleaned, boned-out meat in a food-safe bag/container - garbage bags are scented and have insecticide spray in them!

Bring the meat in a cooler or box with your name on it.

We do 10 lb. batches - so, if you have 26 lb. you can only do two items.

We add 1/3 pork to batches, so if you have 10 lb. green weight (we will add 5 lb.)

(1/3) of pork = you will end up with 15 lb (minus shrink).

Please, please be patient and do not call us, we will call you!

Make sure you understand the price and the per lb. billing! We will not negotiate your bill - seasoning, casings, and labor are very expensive.

Do not add water to a bucket (canning) of your deer.

If you do not pick up your deer when notified; within 7 days we will charge you storage of $1 per day or $30 per month. And if you “abandon” your meat, you will lose your deposit and we will discard your meat.

Remember we are only the processor, a quality product starts with quality meat and care at harvesting your venison.